Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Downingtown STRENGTH BOOTCAMP Launches TODAY!!!

Strength Bootcamps is excited to announce that the Downingtown Bootcamp begins TODAY!  This challenging and fun camp will be taught by Cody Michaels. Cody has been leading our Strength Bootcamps since we began and is a great trainer who will meet you where you are and take your fitness to the next level!

Check out what some of our campers are saying:
“I am very grateful for your bootcamp!! I'm sure you hear this constantly but I just wanted to make sure you heard it from me!! Not even three full sessions and I am down 12 pounds. Now I know 12 lbs is not earth shattering but to me it is a whole new mind set. The past 13 weeks or so have made me feel better about myself and my confidence to wear cute skirts and snug tops over baggy t-shirts and sweats has skyrocketed!!!
--Louise Monteforte, Veterinarian
“I have been doing Strength Bootcamp for a few months now and can honestly say that I am in better shape at 40 than I was years ago.  I was a little apprehensive when I started because I wasn’t in the greatest shape, but now I have more endurance and strength than I ever thought I would.  And to top it off, I’ve met a bunch of amazing people that I now call friends!  I highly recommend.”
- Tony Baradzei
"I never thought I would actually enjoy this bootcamp, but I love it! It's very challenging and extremely rewarding, I feel an increase in energy throughout the day and just feel better in general."
-- Peter Scarola, Pastry Chef, R2L Restaurant

“When John Edwin told me about Strength Bootcamp, and said, “join up, it will change your life!”, I was skeptical, but I am always up for a challenge.  The first few sessions, I was humbled by the way that the more experienced campers were hustling through the workout, while I really had a very hard time finishing.  I had been “working out” at the gym several times per week, but this was a different animal altogether. Those few sessions put me on notice of where I was, and where I wanted to be.  After the first five weeks, it got easier.  After 10 weeks, my energy level skyrocketed.  After 5 months, I have lost nearly 30 pounds, and feel like a different person, just as John told me I would! I couldn’t imagine a better start to the day, than at Strength Bootcamp, with a great group of people helping each other get and stay fit!”
- – Sean McManus

Here are the details:
Bell Tavern Park
100 Bell Tavern Lane, Downingtown

*Be sure to bring a yoga mat and water*

5 Week Session Begins Tuesday, April 16th
2x week, $125
1x week, $62.50

Register online at:

“The only workout you’ll regret is the one you didn’t do.” – Unknown

Monday, April 8, 2013


Are you looking to increase strength, challenge yourself, burn fat, increase energy, have fun, see results and get in the best shape of your life?  Women's Strength Bootcamp is just what you are looking for!

This women's only bootcamp is perfect for women of ALL FITNESS LEVELS and is lead by an experienced and talented trainer, Heidi Petersohn.  Whether you are a novice or expert in fitness, this class will help you meet and exceed your health and fitness goals and have FUN doing it!

Check out what some of our "campers" are saying:

“I am very grateful for you bootcamp!! I'm sure you hear this constantly but I just wanted to make sure you heard it from me!! I saw your flier and knew it was meant for me. Not even three full sessions and I am down 12 pounds. Now I know 12 lbs is not earth shattering but to me it is a whole new mind set. The past 13 weeks or so have made me feel better about myself and my confidence to wear cute skirts and snug tops over baggy t-shirts and sweats has skyrocketed!!!
--Louise Monteforte, Veterinarian

“Having overall good health is extremely important to me.  Getting ultra fit is a close second. I recently signed up for Strength Personal Training's boot camps.  They are challenging, exhilarating, and fun. 
-- Dayhna Carroll, Owner, Loving Your Living Coaching & Consulting

"Thanks for a great workout and pushing me to another level!"
- - Kelly D’Alessandro, Executive Assistant

Monday, March 25, 2013

8-Minute Monday Morning Madness #6

Monday Morning Madness #6 is here!  Follow along with this intense, fat-burning video, the best part....it is only 8-minutes!

This video includes:
-Mountain Climbers

-Chair Dips
-Iron Mikes


Enjoy and remember,


Monday, March 4, 2013

8-MInute Monday Morning Madness #5

Monday Morning Madness #5 is here!  Follow along with this intense, fat-burning video, the best part....it is only 8-minutes!

This video includes:
-Body Squats
-Push Ups
-Alternate Leg Lifts / Scissor Kicks
-Low Plank


Enjoy and remember,


Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Magic Bullet of Perserverance

As a high level fitness trainer I see it all the time. I meet people in January. They have excitement and drive and they are ready to lose tons of weight; get in the best shape of their life and conquer the world!
Time goes by and most of these people show up less frequently, start gaining back weight, lose motivation and ultimately quit.
Some people achieve their goals; set new ones, and completely transform their bodies and lives!
So here's the question...
What's the difference between most people who fail and the few who succeed???
The answer is Perseverance!
"Perseverance"- - steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement

Unfortunately, this isn't just a scenario in exercise. This happens in every aspect of our lives.
Being successful in any occupation takes time and consistency.  I remember starting out as a personal trainer 12 years ago. I had just turned 22 years old and the gym I worked for paid me $8/hour. But I decided I would become one of the top trainers in my industry.  Day in and day out I put in the time both marketing myself and studying the most cutting edge of sports sciences. By my mid twenties I went from making $8/hr to making well over $100K/annually! This didn't come by chance; it came from having a clear purpose and following through.
I woke up every morning at 4:45am for 7 straight years! While most of my friends were clocking 9-5s I was building a strong business. Fast forward 12 years and I now sleep in till 5:15am lol, oh and I have clients that pay me over $200/session for my expertise!
I want to be clear in telling you that there is a magic bullet.  This has nothing to do with talent, or any special gifts. It's something very rare in my generation and the generations after me. It's a common thread that I have found in most very successful people.
The magic bullet is called "Hard Work" and an unwaivering commitment to excellence! Everyone has this gift, you just have to draw it out of yourself; stay the course and ultimately Persevere! 
Enjoy the journey and thanks for taking a few minutes to read my blog. Feel free to follow me on Twitter for healthy tips and motivation! @StrengthPT

“The difference between a successful person and others is 
not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” 
― Vince Lombardi

Monday, February 25, 2013

8-Minute Monday Morning Madness #4

Monday Morning Madness #4 is here!  Follow along with this intense, fat-burning video, the best part....it is only 8-minutes!

This video includes:
-Tire Heisman Jumps
-Prison Jumping Jacks
-Leg lifts with hip thrust


Enjoy and remember,


Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Morning Madness #2 and #3!

Looking to get an intense and effective workout in only 8 minutes?  Follow along as John takes you through an awesome workout that helps you burn fat, build muscle and get in great shape!



Get Up. Get Fit. Get On With Your Day!!